Sunday, February 19, 2006

Children`s half term the cause of a blogging absence.Back to normal tomorrow and back to Greenwich edetailed design area but there is still a lot to do.The problem is with design that it is never finished . Perfection ,which in my case is totally unobtainable, means such thoroughness in innumerable areas ,it is out of reach for mere mortals. The black and white image shows the design before reworking.The vehicular and pedestriam circulation have been changed to become more central ,organic aqnd connective in nature.The circular shape of the new exhibition centre is echoed in the curvature of the sandstone retaining walls of the naturalistically planted herbacous beds.I have experimented in colouring the drawing in a limited palette excluding green.To finish with here are some photos of my half term excursion.Having hiked up a mountain carrying skis to enjoy the powder experience we all collapsed at the top!!The M25 will be another challenge tomorrow!!!


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