Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sunday night Back to Blogging!!I can`t believe college starts again tomorrow.My 3 children don`t go back to school until Wednesday!!.Progress on Masterplanning has been erratic.I can`t remember when I last had spare time on my hands without the pressure of something hanging over me.I love it really!!!I will make a fleeting visit to Greenwich tomorrow.I have spent more time organising my thoughts than actually producing drawings.
My concept of trying to combine the realms of science and art has of course been done before.Charles Jenks and Jeffery Jellicoe have both used the DNA concept .The molecules of life that are common to every living organism on this planet I thought would be very relevant to Hadlow.It is the common strand linking every course under taken at Hadlow from animal care to fisheries and garden design.
I have managed to produce on unlabelled masterplan a rough draught can be seen above the rest remains work in progress.


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