Sunday, December 04, 2005

The monotony of Hadlow!!!

I hope I manage to find inspiration for the masterplan!!This was on of the cartoons for the entrance to the canteen that I didn`t have room for on the sheet.

Everyday life!!!!

It was good to have less pressure this week to have time to spend with the family and sketch of course! having discovered this naive artistic style I quite enjoy it.The boring things in life do mount up when I focus on trying to complete sketch designs.That laundry pile haunts me.The horses get very frisky and try and dump me on the floor the chidren get ready meals and generally no one is happy! Even had time to start the xmas shopping!!Must start focussing on the masterplan.Lots of bubble diagrams.Great fun !!
Here are some more inspirational drawings from last week that I didn`t have room for on myA1 sheet.


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