Sunday, May 07, 2006

Only 4 more weeks to go and it will all be over thank goodness!!More photos of my garden as I don`t get out much these days.The Chenomeles is looking great at the moment especially where underplanted with blue Pulmonaria.The bright green new foliage of the buxus hedge is a great for refocussing those tired eyes.This part of the garden I planted 5 years ago and the box hedge grew well from little 99p plantsWork progressing on 1:50 drawings.Construction drawing will be testing ,better by a new bottle of tippex. Above painting not my work but one I bought at a charity exhibition on Saturday for a good cause.I was attracted to the mood and colour even though the hands look a bit dodgy!!.


At 8:40 AM, Blogger Annie said...

Hi! Agree with your liking garden photos - and it's a good idea to take them as plants are at their best; things quickly move on. I like the painting too - it conveys such calmness and contentment. Won't it be nice when we all have time to sit down with a good book and a cup of coffee!


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