Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This was my garden in February.Amazing what a difference 4 weeks make.Today it is 15c

I had to halt planting this project last week.The semi mature betula nigra were craned into place and a week later sunk due to the rain!!They will have to be lifted out and replanted when the weather dries out.

For those that are interested in an update,remember this project well after 2 months delay due to rain it has finally reached completion!!It has been very satisfying to see the design drawings turn into reality.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Some more design ideas for Brasted project showing lighting concept plan and 2 possible design ideas for the orangery garden.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The first post uni masterplan !!!The inspiration for the theme used in the design has come from the name of the house "Chart Place".Chart historically has meant woodland.The surrounding area is covered with rapidly disappearing woodland.My aim is to replant the boundaries of the property with native hedging species using corylus avellana as the base species and a 20% mix of crataegus monogyna,virburnum opulus,ilex aquifolium and to recreate the woodland setting surrounding the house by planting betula pendula feathered maidens and semi mature betula nigra species closer to the house .

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Have I bitten off more than I can chew? New project 9 acres need landscaping and designing for property development to be premarketed in November even though it hasn`t even got a roof on.How quickly can I work.4 weeks to produce design ideas ,drawings and specifications.Impossible!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Amazing how time flies by.4 months of no blogging where does one start !!!Have n`t been completely lazy. Was prompted to update my blog by reading Dickies`s ,Annes and Kim`s .It is interesting to know how people are getting on.Trying to do a million and one things as usual.If anyone interested may need some help !!.Just completing design work on project in Westerham and starting a masterplan for a 9 acre development in Brasted.New build looking to be sold to wealthy city clients or Russians.Dickie Haven`t forgotten dream of Chelsea!!!!will be in touch.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Well it`s D day tomorrow and will it all have been worth it? I used to be a clear thinking confident positive person who sailed through life without taking to much too heart and happily taking each obstacle life threw at me without too much trouble. This last year has been so tough!!.Too work so hard and find the fruits of your labour constantly not up too scratch is not easy.Thankfully the real world has often provided the reality check that has kept my feet on the ground.It is very hard to do this final year with the commitments of home,family, friends,jobs etc but somehow I feel we have all managed to muddle through.I am sure the standard of work tomorrow that everyone pulls out of the bag will be "fab " and whatever the outcome it has been an experience to remember!Good luck to everyone.

Above some images of the bluebells that our out in the woods on my school run.Managed to remember the camera , kit bags and packed lunch that morningThey are incredibly late this year but beautiful as ever .Also 2 sketches from my interactive water feature for my detailed design area at Hadlow. Obviously the water jets woukld be great fun today in gale force winds and driving rain.I suppose it`s only May!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Only 4 more weeks to go and it will all be over thank goodness!!More photos of my garden as I don`t get out much these days.The Chenomeles is looking great at the moment especially where underplanted with blue Pulmonaria.The bright green new foliage of the buxus hedge is a great for refocussing those tired eyes.This part of the garden I planted 5 years ago and the box hedge grew well from little 99p plantsWork progressing on 1:50 drawings.Construction drawing will be testing ,better by a new bottle of tippex. Above painting not my work but one I bought at a charity exhibition on Saturday for a good cause.I was attracted to the mood and colour even though the hands look a bit dodgy!!.